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Potamitis Publishing: Orthodox Picture Books Galore

Potamitis Publishing is a Greek family publishing ministry with a large catalog of colorful children's picture books. The books are made by a group of families in Greece. They are illustrated with dogmatically correct iconographic pictures by Egle-Ekaterine Potamitis.

These books are beautiful and very affordable. What's more, there are a lot of them!

My Little Liturgy Book, six by six inches, made from sturdy, moisture repellent paper with a laminated card board cover, is one of 90 books in the Paterikon for Kids series.

A paterikon is a collection of stories about saints. The series also includes other topics: This book about the Divine Liturgy, books about the great feasts and about important prayers.

My Little Liturgy Book is perfect for pre-school to second grade Byzantine Christians of both, Catholic and Orthodox, persuasion. I love how the angels present at the Divine Liturgy are made visible in the illustrations.

Many of the saints books in the series would also be suitable for Roman Catholics.

Potamitis Publishing is trying to make appealing and dogmatically correct materials available to young children in many languages. So far, they carry books in sixteen languages including Alaskan Yup'ik and Swahili. You can help by donating to the Adopt a Language program.

Just a thought from this language teacher homeschool mom: If your kids are studying a foreign language available at Potamitis, you could buy the little books in English and the foreign language. What a fun way to learn!

Potamitis also has books for older children. My Synaxarion is a series of coloring/activity books for elementary school children about martyrs and saints. A synaxarion is a collection of legends of the martyrs. There are twelve books, one for each month of the year. Each coloring book comes with a short summary of the saints' lives, a map, a poster and stickers. What a great way to discover new saints!

The Holy Icons of the Panagia series is my personal favorite. "Panagia" , the "All Holy" in Greek, is one of the titles of the Mother of God in theology and iconography. Each of these six books tells the story of one famous, miraculous icon of the Mother of God. These books are more comprehensive, suitable for ages six and up but still interesting for older readers, even for adults. These stories would be hard to find elsewhere.

...and there is more. I counted about 160 books on the Potamitis website. What a goldmine of children's books. I pinned some of them on the Pinterest board below. Take a look!

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