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The purpose of this site is to help Catholic parents find "good books" for their children. Our dream is to build a Catholic user-generated book hub similar to Goodreads. We offer our own book lists and reviews and we are asking for your contributions. This site is also "subtly" promoting the book St. Rosaline, the Carthusian: The Saint With the Shining Eyes.



A good book for Catholic children is well-written, preferably beautifully written. The way to teach children to recognize good literature is to immerse them in excellent writing while keeping them away from the bad and the mediocre. It works!​

The book need not be written by a Catholic author but it should be compatible with Catholic spirituality and thought. ​

Good books should tell stories, stories that nourish the soul and the imagination, fairy tales, stories from the past, the present and the future, stories of all genres and all cultures, stories that entertain. For children, these stories should be told from a world view compatible with Catholic thought to form their faith. Mature teens need to read about other world views to learn about them and compare them to Catholicism.

Quote by a Baptist minister: “You need to brainwash your kids. If you don’t, somebody else surely will.”


Catholic culture has all but disappeared from our world and our children need stories to teach them the values and the beauty of Christian civilization.


With the disappearance of Catholic culture comes the loss of Catholic language. As Byzantine Catholics, we are familiar with the rich, poetic language of our liturgy that sometimes carries over into our daily lives. This language can hardly be found anymore in today's writing.The vocabulary of the Faith has all but vanished from life and literature.

You will find a taste of this language in Mark Vincent's picture book

St. Rosaline, the Carthusian: The Saint With the Shining Eyes.





Our blog, Catholic Kids Books: Reviews, introduces Mark and Nadia's picture book  St. Rosaline, the Carthusian: The Saint With the Shining Eyes and reviews good books for Catholic kids. We are inviting visitors to contribute guest posts. Please introduce your own book or contribute a review. Thank you.




Mark Vincent

Mark is the author of St. Rosaline, the Carthusian: The Saint with the Shining Eyes, the book featured on this site. He is a Byzantine Catholic and the father of eight voracious, homeschooled readers.



Nadia Olson

Nadia is the illustrator of our book. She and her family attend the same small Byzantine Catholic church as the Vincents.

Nadia is the second oldest of eight homeschooled siblings. She loves to draw and paint and wants to be become a professional artist.

Christine Vincent

Mark's wife Christine works part-time at a public library.  Her favorite part of homeschooling has always been reading to her kids. She is a freelance writer and translator as well as the administrator and principal blogger of this site.

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